Join One Of Our Giving Clubs!

  • Help us connect men to Chirst. All funds go to WV414 to directly fund and help the ministry of Fight Club.

  • This will cover a whole "Squad" for Fight Club. You will recieve updates of all events, testimonies and your own copy of our book for the upcoming or current Round.

  • Become a partner alongside Fight Club and be a main sponsor for our first event of each "Round". You will also recieve a copy of the current or upcoming book for the Round

  • Sponsor the biggest event of the Round... Midway! This is the event that will forever impact the lives of our men. This helps us to build "Tracks'' and to supply meals for our men. Become a Fight Club partner today

We have several unique giving options. Any and all Donations are appreciated and go directly to funding upcoming Rounds of Fight Club.